What Can Osteopathy Treat?
Many patients come to us with sports injuries and back problems. Although this is an area in which osteopathy is known to produce excellent results lots of people are unaware that it can also be used to treat a wide range of diverse conditions that affect people of all age groups, such as: Infant colic and sleep disturbance in infants Period pain Back pain and sciatica during pregnancy Some arthritic conditions Headaches/Migraine Neuritis such as carpal tunnel syndrome Plantar fasciitis Osteopathic treatment may also be of assistance, in conjunction with medical treatment, in the symptomatic management of conditions such as asthma, constipation/irritable bowel syndrome, and chronic fatigue.
What happens during a Consultation?
A consultation for a new patient usually lasts 60 minutes. The consultation begins with the taking of a detailed case history, which includes questions about past medical history, family history, accident history and medication use. This helps identify any possible underlying health problems you may have in addition to the problem you have come in with. The osteopath will then examine you.This will firstly consist, of checking blood pressure, heart and lung sounds etc. This will be followed by a detailed examination of your musculo-skeletal structure, posture, spinal curvatures and muscle tone in order to arrive at a diagnosis. Treatment will then be carried out. Afterwards, you may also be given follow-up advice, exercises etc. Subsequent consultations are usually shorter, and last between 30-45 minutes.
What techniques Do Osteopaths use?
Osteopaths use a wide range of "movement" techniques. These include. Stretching Passive mobilisation of joints A wide variety of "soft tissue" release techniques, including massage, isometric stretches (known as "muscle energy techniques",) and gentle "positional release" and "functional" techniques, which release tensions in tissues by putting them into "positions of ease." Lymphatic drainage techniques Joint manipulations where they are considered appropriate and safe "Cranial" techniques which involve very gentle mobilisation of the bones of the skull and face "Visceral" techniques designed to release tension and restrictions of normal movement in the internal organs and their attachments. Preventive care Our Osteopaths are not only concerned with trying to alleviate patients’ pain and other symptoms, but also with trying to help prevent problems recurring. We regard treatment as a co-operative process between practitioner and patient, and encourage patients to participate in preventive health programmes. This may include the prescription of exercise programmes, postural and dietary advice etc.
How Safe Is Osteopathy?
Osteopaths can only graduate after four years of full-time education. A thorough knowledge of the medical sciences combined with an extended period of clinical training is central to the osteopath's ability to make a differential diagnosis, and to distinguish conditions, which will benefit from osteopathic treatment. Osteopathy is the first of the professions, previously outside the conventional medical services, to achieve statutory recognition. In 1993, the Osteopaths Act was passed to establish a single governing body, the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) which has a statutory duty not only to regulate, but also to develop and promote the profession. The GOsC has a duty to safeguard patients by ensuring the highest possible standards of ethical and clinical practice. Osteopathy has now taken its place alongside conventional medicine.